윈도우 버전(3.1~10)별 기본 폰트 리스트
2020. 3. 22. 15:56
Windows font list
원도우 사용하면서 기본 폰트가 무엇인지 궁금해서.
원도우 사용하다 보면 이것저것 무료 폰트를 설치합니다. 그러다 보면 이제는 짬뽕이 되어 정작 기본폰트가 무엇이 있는지는 모를 때가 있습니다. 이때를 위해 마소에 원도우 기본 리스트가 있더군요. 그것을 가져와 정리해 봅니다.
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Windows 10 font list
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Arial | Arial | Arial.ttf | 7.00 |
Arial Italic | Ariali.ttf | 7.00 | |
Arial Bold | Arialbd.ttf | 7.00 | |
Arial Bold Italic | Arialbi.ttf | 7.00 | |
Arial Black | Arial Black | Ariblk.ttf | 5.23 |
Arial Black Italic | AriBlkIt.ttf | 5.23 | |
Bahnschrift | Bahnschrift | Bahnschrift.ttf | 2.01 |
Calibri | Calibri Light | Calibril.ttf | 6.22 |
Calibri Light Italic | Calibrili.ttf | 6.22 | |
Calibri | Calibri.ttf | 6.22 | |
Calibri Italic | Calibrii.ttf | 6.22 | |
Calibri Bold | Calibrib.ttf | 6.22 | |
Calibri Bold Italic | Calibriz.ttf | 6.22 | |
Cambria | Cambria | Cambria.ttc | 6.99 |
Cambria Italic | Cambriai.ttf | 6.98 | |
Cambria Bold | Cambriab.ttf | 6.98 | |
Cambria Bold Italic | Cambriaz.ttf | 6.98 | |
Cambria Math | Cambria Math | Cambria.ttc | 6.99 |
Candara | Candara Light | Candaral.ttf | 5.63 |
Candara Light Italic | Candarali.ttf | 5.62 | |
Candara | Candara.ttf | 5.62 | |
Candara Italic | Candarai.ttf | 5.62 | |
Candara Bold | Candarab.ttf | 5.62 | |
Candara Bold Italic | Candaraz.ttf | 5.62 | |
Comic Sans MS | Comic Sans MS | Comic.ttf | 5.14 |
Comic Sans MS Italic | Comici.ttf | 5.14 | |
Comic Sans MS Bold | Comicbd.ttf | 5.14 | |
Comic Sans MS Bold Italic | Comicz.ttf | 5.14 | |
Consolas | Consolas | Consola.ttf | 7.00 |
Consolas Italic | Consolai.ttf | 7.00 | |
Consolas Bold | Consolab.ttf | 7.00 | |
Consolas Bold Italic | Consolaz.ttf | 7.00 | |
Constantia | Constantia | Constan.ttf | 5.93 |
Constantia Italic | Constani.ttf | 5.93 | |
Constantia Bold | Constanb.ttf | 5.93 | |
Constantia Bold Italic | Constanz.ttf | 5.93 | |
Corbel | Corbel Light | Corbell.ttf | 5.90 |
Corbel Light Italic | Corbelli.ttf | 5.90 | |
Corbel | Corbel.ttf | 5.90 | |
Corbel Italic | Corbeli.ttf | 5.90 | |
Corbel Bold | Corbelb.ttf | 5.90 | |
Corbel Bold Italic | Corbelz.ttf | 5.90 | |
Courier New | Courier New | Cour.ttf | 6.92 |
Courier New Italic | Couri.ttf | 6.91 | |
Courier New Bold | Courbd.ttf | 6.92 | |
Courier New Bold Italic | Courbi.ttf | 6.91 | |
Ebrima | Ebrima | Ebrima.ttf | 5.12 |
Ebrima Bold | Ebrimabd.ttf | 5.12 | |
Franklin Gothic Medium | Franklin Gothic Medium | Framd.ttf | 5.02 |
Franklin Gothic Medium Italic | Framdit.ttf | 5.01 | |
Gabriola | Gabriola | Gabriola.ttf | 5.93 |
Gadugi | Gadugi | Gadugi.ttf | 1.12 |
Gadugi Bold | Gadugib.ttf | 1.12 | |
Georgia | Georgia | Georgia.ttf | 5.59 |
Georgia Italic | Georgiai.ttf | 5.59 | |
Georgia Bold | Georgiab.ttf | 5.59 | |
Georgia Bold Italic | Georgiaz.ttf | 5.59 | |
HoloLens MDL2 Assets | HoloLens MDL2 Assets | Holomdl2.ttf | 2.02 |
Impact | Impact | Impact.ttf | 5.11 |
Ink Free | Ink Free | Inkfree.ttf | 1.00 |
Javanese Text | Javanese Text | Javatext.ttf | 1.09 |
Leelawadee UI | Leelawadee UI | Leelawui.ttf | 5.05 |
Leelawadee UI Semilight | Leeluisl.ttf | 5.05 | |
Leelawadee UI Bold | Leelauib.ttf | 5.05 | |
Lucida Console | Lucida Console | Lucon.ttf | 5.01 |
Lucida Sans Unicode | Lucida Sans Unicode | L_10646.ttf | 5.01 |
Malgun Gothic | Malgun Gothic | Malgun.ttf | 6.68 |
Malgun Gothic Bold | Malgunbd.ttf | 6.68 | |
Malgun Gothic Semilight | Malgunsl.ttf | 6.68 | |
Marlett | Marlett | Marlett.ttf | 5.01 |
Microsoft Himalaya | Microsoft Himalaya | Himalaya.ttf | 5.23 |
Microsoft JhengHei | Microsoft JhengHei Light | Msjhl.ttc | 6.14 |
Microsoft JhengHei | Msjh.ttc | 6.14 | |
Microsoft JhengHei Bold | MSJHBD.ttc | 6.13 | |
Microsoft JhengHei UI Light | Msjhl.ttc | 6.14 | |
Microsoft JhengHei UI | Msjh.ttc | 6.14 | |
Microsoft JhengHei UI Bold | MSJHBD.ttc | 6.13 | |
Microsoft New Tai Lue | Microsoft New Tai Lue | Ntailu.ttf | 5.99 |
Microsoft New Tai Lue Bold | Ntailub.ttf | 5.99 | |
Microsoft PhagsPa | Microsoft PhagsPa | Phagspa.ttf | 6.00 |
Microsoft PhagsPa Bold | PhagsPaB.ttf | 6.00 | |
Microsoft Sans Serif | Microsoft Sans Serif | Micross.ttf | 7.00 |
Microsoft Tai Le | Microsoft Tai Le | Taile.ttf | 6.00 |
Microsoft Tai Le Bold | TaiLeb.ttf | 6.00 | |
Microsoft YaHei | Microsoft YaHei Light | Msyhl.ttc | 6.23 |
Microsoft YaHei | Msyh.ttc | 6.25 | |
Microsoft YaHei Bold | Msyhbd.ttc | 6.25 | |
Microsoft YaHei UI Light | Msyhl.ttc | 6.23 | |
Microsoft YaHei UI | Msyh.ttc | 6.25 | |
Microsoft YaHei UI Bold | Msyhbd.ttc | 6.25 | |
Microsoft Yi Baiti | Microsoft Yi Baiti | Msyi.ttf | 6.00 |
MingLiU-ExtB | MingLiU-ExtB | Mingliub.ttc | 7.02 |
PMingLiU-ExtB | Mingliub.ttc | 7.02 | |
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB | Mingliub.ttc | 7.02 | |
Mongolian Baiti | Mongolian Baiti | Monbaiti.ttf | 5.53 |
MS Gothic | MS Gothic | Msgothic.ttc | 5.30 |
MS PGothic | Msgothic.ttc | 5.30 | |
MS UI Gothic | Msgothic.ttc | 5.30 | |
MV Boli | MV Boli | Mvboli.ttf | 6.84 |
Myanmar Text | Myanmar Text | Mmrtext.ttf | 1.18 |
Myanmar Text Bold | Mmrtextb.ttf | 1.18 | |
Nirmala UI | Nirmala UI Semilight | Nirmalas.ttf | 1.37 |
Nirmala UI | Nirmala.ttf | 1.37 | |
Nirmala UI Bold | Nirmalab.ttf | 1.37 | |
Palatino Linotype | Palatino Linotype | Pala.ttf | 5.03 |
Palatino Linotype Italic | Palai.ttf | 5.03 | |
Palatino Linotype Bold | Palab.ttf | 5.03 | |
Palatino Linotype Bold Italic | Palabi.ttf | 5.03 | |
Segoe MDL2 Assets | Segoe MDL2 Assets | Segmdl2.ttf | 1.68 |
Segoe Print | Segoe Print | Segoepr.ttf | 5.04 |
Segoe Print Bold | Segoeprb.ttf | 5.04 | |
Segoe Script | Segoe Script | Segoesc.ttf | 5.02 |
Segoe Script Bold | Segoescb.ttf | 5.02 | |
Segoe UI | Segoe UI Light | Segoeuil.ttf | 5.60 |
Segoe UI Light Italic | Seguili.ttf | 5.30 | |
Segoe UI Semilight | Segoeuisl.ttf | 5.60 | |
Segoe UI Semilight Italic | Seguisli.ttf | 5.30 | |
Segoe UI | Segoeui.ttf | 5.60 | |
Segoe UI Italic | Segoeuii.ttf | 5.30 | |
Segoe UI Semibold | Seguisb.ttf | 5.60 | |
Segoe UI Semibold Italic | Seguisbi.ttf | 5.30 | |
Segoe UI Bold | Segoeuib.ttf | 5.60 | |
Segoe UI Bold Italic | Segoeuiz.ttf | 5.30 | |
Segoe UI Black | Seguibl.ttf | 2.01 | |
Segoe UI Black Italic | Seguibli.ttf | 2.01 | |
Segoe UI Historic | Segoe UI Historic | Seguihis.ttf | 1.03 |
Segoe UI Emoji | Segoe UI Emoji | Seguiemj.ttf | 1.27 |
Segoe UI Symbol | Segoe UI Symbol | Seguisym.ttf | 6.23 |
SimSun | SimSun | Simsun.ttc | 5.16 |
NSimSun | Simsun.ttc | 5.16 | |
SimSun-ExtB | Simsunb.ttf | 5.03 | |
Sitka | Sitka Small | Sitka.ttc | 1.12 |
Sitka Small Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Small Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Small Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Text | Sitka.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Text Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Text Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Text Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Subheading | Sitka.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Subheading Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Subheading Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Subheading Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Heading | Sitka.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Heading Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Heading Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Heading Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Display | Sitka.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Display Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Display Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Display Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Banner | Sitka.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Banner Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Banner Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Banner Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sylfaen | Sylfaen | Sylfaen.ttf | 5.06 |
Symbol | Symbol | Symbol.ttf | 5.01 |
Tahoma | Tahoma | Tahoma.ttf | 7.00 |
Tahoma Bold | Tahomabd.ttf | 7.00 | |
Times New Roman | Times New Roman | Times.ttf | 7.00 |
Times New Roman Italic | Timesi.ttf | 7.00 | |
Times New Roman Bold | Timesbd.ttf | 7.00 | |
Times New Roman Bold Italic | Timesbi.ttf | 7.00 | |
Trebuchet MS | Trebuchet MS | Trebuc.ttf | 5.15 |
Trebuchet MS Italic | Trebucit.ttf | 5.15 | |
Trebuchet MS Bold | Trebucbd.ttf | 5.15 | |
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic | Trebucbi.ttf | 5.15 | |
Verdana | Verdana | Verdana.ttf | 5.33 |
Verdana Italic | Verdanai.ttf | 5.33 | |
Verdana Bold | Verdanab.ttf | 5.33 | |
Verdana Bold Italic | Verdanaz.ttf | 5.33 | |
Webdings | Webdings | Webdings.ttf | 5.01 |
Wingdings | Wingdings | Wingding.ttf | 5.01 |
Wingdings 2 | Wingdings2.ttf | 5.01 | |
Wingdings 3 | Wingdings3.ttf | 5.01 | |
Yu Gothic | Yu Gothic Light | YuGothL.ttc | 1.90 |
Yu Gothic Regular | YuGothR.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic Medium | Yugothm.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic Bold | YuGothB.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic UI Light | YuGothL.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic UI Semilight | YuGothR.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic UI Regular | Yugothm.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic UI Semibold | YuGothB.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic UI Bold | YuGothB.ttc | 1.90 |
Korean Supplemental Fonts
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Batang | Batang | Batang.ttc | 5.02 |
BatangChe | Batang.ttc | 5.02 | |
Dotum | Dotum | Gulim.ttc | 5.03 |
DotumChe | Gulim.ttc | 5.03 | |
Gulim | Gulim | Gulim.ttc | 5.03 |
GulimChe | Gulim.ttc | 5.03 | |
Gungsuh | Gungsuh | Batang.ttc | 5.02 |
GungsuhChe | Batang.ttc | 5.02 |
Windows 10 font list
Windows 8.1 font list
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Aharoni Bold | Aharoni Bold | Ahronbd.ttf | 5.10 |
Aldhabi | Aldhabi | Aldhabi.ttf | 1.00 |
Andalus | Andalus | Andlso.ttf | 6.00 |
Angsana New | Angsana New | Angsa.ttf | 5.01 |
Angsana New Italic | Angsai.ttf | 5.01 | |
Angsana New Bold | Angsab.ttf | 5.01 | |
Angsana New Bold Italic | Angsaz.ttf | 5.01 | |
AngsanaUPC | AngsanaUPC | Angsau.ttf | 5.01 |
AngsanaUPC Italic | Angsaui.ttf | 5.01 | |
AngsanaUPC Bold | Angsaub.ttf | 5.01 | |
AngsanaUPC Bold Italic | Angsauz.ttf | 5.01 | |
Aparajita | Aparajita | Aparaj.ttf | 6.00 |
Aparajita Italic | Aparaji.ttf | 6.00 | |
Aparajita Bold | Aparajb.ttf | 6.00 | |
Aparajita Bold Italic | Aparajbi.ttf | 6.00 | |
Arabic Typesetting | Arabic Typesetting | Arabtype.ttf | 6.00 |
Arial | Arial | Arial.ttf | 6.89 |
Arial Italic | Ariali.ttf | 6.89 | |
Arial Bold | Arialbd.ttf | 6.89 | |
Arial Bold Italic | Arialbi.ttf | 6.89 | |
Arial Black | Arial Black | Ariblk.ttf | 5.21 |
Batang | Batang | Batang.ttc | 5.00 |
BatangChe | Batang.ttc | 5.00 | |
Browallia New | Browallia New | Browa.ttf | 5.01 |
Browallia New Italic | Browai.ttf | 5.01 | |
Browallia New Bold | Browab.ttf | 5.01 | |
Browallia New Bold Italic | Browaz.ttf | 5.01 | |
BrowalliaUPC | BrowalliaUPC | Browau.ttf | 5.01 |
BrowalliaUPC Italic | Browaui.ttf | 5.01 | |
BrowalliaUPC Bold | Browaub.ttf | 5.01 | |
BrowalliaUPC Bold Italic | Browauz.ttf | 5.01 | |
Calibri | Calibri Light | Calibril.ttf | 2.15 |
Calibri Light Italic | Calibrili.ttf | 2.15 | |
Calibri | Calibri.ttf | 5.90 | |
Calibri Italic | Calibrii.ttf | 5.90 | |
Calibri Bold | Calibrib.ttf | 5.90 | |
Calibri Bold Italic | Calibriz.ttf | 5.90 | |
Cambria | Cambria | Cambria.ttc | 6.84 |
Cambria Italic | Cambriai.ttf | 6.84 | |
Cambria Bold | Cambriab.ttf | 6.84 | |
Cambria Bold Italic | Cambriaz.ttf | 6.84 | |
Cambria Math | Cambria Math | Cambria.ttc | 6.84 |
Candara | Candara | Candara.ttf | 5.61 |
Candara Italic | Candarai.ttf | 5.61 | |
Candara Bold | Candarab.ttf | 5.61 | |
Candara Bold Italic | Candaraz.ttf | 5.61 | |
Comic Sans MS | Comic Sans MS | Comic.ttf | 5.11 |
Comic Sans MS Italic | Comici.ttf | 5.11 | |
Comic Sans MS Bold | Comicbd.ttf | 5.11 | |
Comic Sans MS Bold Italic | Comicz.ttf | 5.11 | |
Consolas | Consolas | Consola.ttf | 5.36 |
Consolas Italic | Consolai.ttf | 5.36 | |
Consolas Bold | Consolab.ttf | 5.36 | |
Consolas Bold Italic | Consolaz.ttf | 5.36 | |
Constantia | Constantia | Constan.ttf | 5.91 |
Constantia Italic | Constani.ttf | 5.90 | |
Constantia Bold | Constanb.ttf | 5.90 | |
Constantia Bold Italic | Constanz.ttf | 5.90 | |
Corbel | Corbel | Corbel.ttf | 5.61 |
Corbel Italic | Corbeli.ttf | 5.61 | |
Corbel Bold | Corbelb.ttf | 5.61 | |
Corbel Bold Italic | Corbelz.ttf | 5.61 | |
Cordia New | Cordia New | Cordia.ttf | 5.01 |
Cordia New Italic | Cordiai.ttf | 5.01 | |
Cordia New Bold | Cordiab.ttf | 5.01 | |
Cordia New Bold Italic | Cordiaz.ttf | 5.01 | |
CordiaUPC | CordiaUPC | Cordiau.ttf | 5.01 |
CordiaUPC Italic | Cordiaui.ttf | 5.01 | |
CordiaUPC Bold | Cordiaub.ttf | 5.01 | |
CordiaUPC Bold Italic | Cordiauz.ttf | 5.01 | |
Courier New | Courier New | Cour.ttf | 6.87 |
Courier New Italic | Couri.ttf | 6.87 | |
Courier New Bold | Courbd.ttf | 6.87 | |
Courier New Bold Italic | Courbi.ttf | 6.87 | |
DaunPenh | DaunPenh | Daunpenh.ttf | 5.00 |
David | David | David.ttf | 6.00 |
David Bold | Davidbd.ttf | 6.00 | |
DFKai-SB | DFKai-SB | Kaiu.ttf | 5.00 |
DilleniaUPC | DilleniaUPC | Upcdl.ttf | 5.01 |
DilleniaUPC Italic | Upcdi.ttf | 5.01 | |
DilleniaUPC Bold | Upcdb.ttf | 5.01 | |
DilleniaUPC Bold Italic | Upcdbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
DokChampa | DokChampa | Dokchamp.ttf | 5.00 |
Dotum | Dotum | Gulim.ttc | 5.00 |
DotumChe | Gulim.ttc | 5.00 | |
Ebrima | Ebrima | Ebrima.ttf | 5.08 |
Ebrima Bold | Ebrimabd.ttf | 5.08 | |
Estrangelo Edessa | Estrangelo Edessa | Estre.ttf | 6.00 |
EucrosiaUPC | EucrosiaUPC | Upcel.ttf | 5.01 |
EucrosiaUPC Italic | Upcei.ttf | 5.01 | |
EucrosiaUPC Bold | Upceb.ttf | 5.01 | |
EucrosiaUPC Bold Italic | Upcebi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Euphemia | Euphemia | Euphemia.ttf | 5.05 |
FangSong | FangSong | Simfang.ttf | 5.01 |
Franklin Gothic Medium | Franklin Gothic Medium | Framd.ttf | 5.01 |
Franklin Gothic Medium Italic | Framdit.ttf | 5.00 | |
FrankRuehl | FrankRuehl | Frank.ttf | 5.10 |
FreesiaUPC | FreesiaUPC | Upcfl.ttf | 5.02 |
FreesiaUPC Italic | Upcfi.ttf | 5.02 | |
FreesiaUPC Bold | Upcfb.ttf | 5.02 | |
FreesiaUPC Bold Italic | Upcfbi.ttf | 5.02 | |
Gabriola | Gabriola | Gabriola.ttf | 5.92 |
Gadugi | Gadugi | Gadugi.ttf | 1.06 |
Gadugi Bold | Gadugib.ttf | 1.06 | |
Gautami | Gautami | Gautami.ttf | 6.00 |
Gautami Bold | Gautamib.ttf | 6.00 | |
Georgia | Georgia | Georgia.ttf | 5.51 |
Georgia Italic | Georgiai.ttf | 5.51 | |
Georgia Bold | Georgiab.ttf | 5.51 | |
Georgia Bold Italic | Georgiaz.ttf | 5.51 | |
Gisha | Gisha | Gisha.ttf | 5.01 |
Gisha Bold | Gishabd.ttf | 5.01 | |
Gulim | Gulim | Gulim.ttc | 5.00 |
GulimChe | Gulim.ttc | 5.00 | |
Gungsuh | Gungsuh | Batang.ttc | 5.00 |
GungsuhChe | Batang.ttc | 5.00 | |
Impact | Impact | Impact.ttf | 5.10 |
IrisUPC | IrisUPC | Upcil.ttf | 5.02 |
IrisUPC Italic | Upcii.ttf | 5.02 | |
IrisUPC Bold | Upcib.ttf | 5.02 | |
IrisUPC Bold Italic | Upcibi.ttf | 5.02 | |
Iskoola Pota | Iskoola Pota | Iskpota.ttf | 6.00 |
Iskoola Pota Bold | Iskpotab.ttf | 6.00 | |
JasmineUPC | JasmineUPC | Upcjl.ttf | 5.01 |
JasmineUPC Italic | Upcji.ttf | 5.01 | |
JasmineUPC Bold | Upcjb.ttf | 5.01 | |
JasmineUPC Bold Italic | Upcjbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Javanese Text | Javanese Text | Javatext.ttf | 1.00 |
KaiTi | KaiTi | Simkai.ttf | 5.01 |
Kalinga | Kalinga | Kalinga.ttf | 6.00 |
Kalinga Bold | Kalingab.ttf | 6.00 | |
Kartika | Kartika | Kartika.ttf | 6.00 |
Kartika Bold | Kartikab.ttf | 6.00 | |
Khmer UI | Khmer UI | KhmerUI.ttf | 5.02 |
Khmer UI Bold | KhmerUIB.ttf | 5.02 | |
KodchiangUPC | KodchiangUPC | Upckl.ttf | 5.01 |
KodchiangUPC Italic | Upcki.ttf | 5.01 | |
KodchiangUPC Bold | Upckb.ttf | 5.01 | |
KodchiangUPC Bold Italic | Upckbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Kokila | Kokila | Kokila.ttf | 6.00 |
Kokila Italic | Kokilai.ttf | 6.00 | |
Kokila Bold | Kokilab.ttf | 6.00 | |
Kokila Bold Italic | Kokilabi.ttf | 6.00 | |
Lao UI | Lao UI | Laoui.ttf | 5.01 |
Lao UI Bold | Laouib.ttf | 5.01 | |
Latha | Latha | Latha.ttf | 6.00 |
Latha Bold | Lathab.ttf | 6.00 | |
Leelawadee | Leelawadee | Leelawad.ttf | 5.05 |
Leelawadee Bold | Leelawdb.ttf | 5.05 | |
Leelawadee UI | Leelawadee UI | LeelawUI.ttf | 1.00 |
Leelawadee UI Semilight | LeelUIsl.ttf | 1.00 | |
Leelawadee UI Bold | LeelaUIb.ttf | 1.00 | |
Levenim MT | Levenim MT | Lvnm.ttf | 6.00 |
Levenim MT Bold | Lvnmbd.ttf | 6.00 | |
LilyUPC | LilyUPC | Upcll.ttf | 5.01 |
LilyUPC Italic | Upcli.ttf | 5.01 | |
LilyUPC Bold | Upclb.ttf | 5.01 | |
LilyUPC Bold Italic | Upclbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Lucida Console | Lucida Console | Lucon.ttf | 5.00 |
Lucida Sans Unicode | Lucida Sans Unicode | L_10646.ttf | 5.00 |
Malgun Gothic | Malgun Gothic | Malgun.ttf | 6.50 |
Malgun Gothic Bold | Malgunbd.ttf | 6.50 | |
Mangal | Mangal | Mangal.ttf | 6.00 |
Mangal Bold | Mangalb.ttf | 6.00 | |
Meiryo | Meiryo | Meiryo.ttc | 6.30 |
Meiryo Italic | Meiryo.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo Bold | Meiryob.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo Bold Italic | Meiryob.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo UI | Meiryo UI | Meiryo.ttc | 6.30 |
Meiryo UI Italic | Meiryo.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo UI Bold | Meiryob.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo UI Bold Italic | Meiryob.ttc | 6.30 | |
Microsoft Himalaya | Microsoft Himalaya | Himalaya.ttf | 5.10 |
Microsoft JhengHei | Microsoft JhengHei Light | Msjhl.ttc | 1.00 |
Microsoft JhengHei Regular | MSJH.ttc | 6.11 | |
Microsoft JhengHei Bold | MSJHBD.ttc | 6.11 | |
Microsoft JhengHei UI Light | Msjhl.ttc | 1.00 | |
Microsoft JhengHei UI Regular | MSJH.ttc | 6.11 | |
Microsoft JhengHei UI Bold | MSJHBD.ttc | 6.11 | |
Microsoft New Tai Lue | Microsoft New Tai Lue | Ntailu.ttf | 5.96 |
Microsoft New Tai Lue Bold | Ntailub.ttf | 5.96 | |
Microsoft PhagsPa | Microsoft PhagsPa | PhagsPa.ttf | 5.97 |
Microsoft PhagsPa Bold | PhagsPaB.ttf | 5.97 | |
Microsoft Sans Serif | Microsoft Sans Serif | Micross.ttf | 6.04 |
Microsoft Tai Le | Microsoft Tai Le | Taile.ttf | 5.96 |
Microsoft Tai Le Bold | TaiLeb.ttf | 5.96 | |
Microsoft Uighur | Microsoft Uighur | Msuighur.ttf | 6.00 |
Microsoft Uighur Bold | MSUighub.ttf | 6.00 | |
Microsoft Yi Baiti | Microsoft Yi Baiti | MSYI.ttf | 5.97 |
Microsoft YaHei | Microsoft YaHei Light | Msyhl.ttc | 1.01 |
Microsoft YaHei | Msyh.ttc | 6.14 | |
Microsoft YaHei Bold | Msyhbd.ttc | 6.12 | |
Microsoft YaHei UI Light | Msyhl.ttc | 1.01 | |
Microsoft YaHei UI | Msyh.ttc | 6.14 | |
Microsoft YaHei UI Bold | Msyhbd.ttc | 6.12 | |
MingLiU | MingLiU | Mingliu.ttc | 7.01 |
PMingLiU | Mingliu.ttc | 7.01 | |
MingLiU_HKSCS | Mingliu.ttc | 7.01 | |
MingLiU-ExtB | Mingliub.ttc | 7.01 | |
PMingLiU-ExtB | Mingliub.ttc | 7.01 | |
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB | Mingliub.ttc | 7.01 | |
Miriam | Miriam | Mriam.ttf | 5.10 |
Miriam Fixed | Mriamc.ttf | 5.10 | |
Mongolian Baiti | Mongolian Baiti | Monbaiti.ttf | 5.41 |
MoolBoran | MoolBoran | Moolbor.ttf | 5.00 |
MS Gothic | MS Gothic | Msgothic.ttc | 5.30 |
MS PGothic | Msgothic.ttc | 5.30 | |
MS UI Gothic | Msgothic.ttc | 5.30 | |
MS Mincho | MS Mincho | Msmincho.ttc | 5.30 |
MS PMincho | Msmincho.ttc | 5.30 | |
MV Boli | MV Boli | Mvboli.ttf | 6.00 |
Myanmar Text | Myanmar Text | Mmrtext.ttf | 1.10 |
Myanmar Text Bold | Mmrtextb.ttf | 1.10 | |
Narkisim | Narkisim | Nrkis.ttf | 5.10 |
Nirmala UI | Nirmala UI Semilight | Nirmalas.ttf | 1.10 |
Nirmala UI | Nirmala.ttf | 1.10 | |
Nirmala UI Bold | Nirmalab.ttf | 1.10 | |
Nyala | Nyala | Nyala.ttf | 5.01 |
Palatino Linotype | Palatino Linotype | Pala.ttf | 5.02 |
Palatino Linotype Italic | Palai.ttf | 5.02 | |
Palatino Linotype Bold | Palab.ttf | 5.02 | |
Palatino Linotype Bold Italic | Palabi.ttf | 5.02 | |
Plantagenet Cherokee | Plantagenet Cherokee | Plantc.ttf | 5.07 |
Raavi | Raavi | Raavi.ttf | 6.00 |
Raavi Bold | Raavib.ttf | 6.00 | |
Rod | Rod | Rod.ttf | 5.10 |
Sakkal Majalla | Sakkal Majalla | Majalla.ttf | 6.81 |
Sakkal Majalla Bold | Majallab.ttf | 6.81 | |
Segoe Print | Segoe Print | Segoepr.ttf | 5.02 |
Segoe Print Bold | Segoeprb.ttf | 5.02 | |
Segoe Script | Segoe Script | Segoesc.ttf | 5.00 |
Segoe Script Bold | Segoescb.ttf | 5.00 | |
Segoe UI | Segoe UI Light | Segoeuil.ttf | 5.37 |
Segoe UI Light Italic | Seguili.ttf | 5.37 | |
Segoe UI Semilight | Segoeuisl.ttf | 5.37 | |
Segoe UI Semilight Italic | Seguisli.ttf | 5.37 | |
Segoe UI | Segoeui.ttf | 5.37 | |
Segoe UI Italic | Segoeuii.ttf | 5.37 | |
Segoe UI Semibold | Seguisb.ttf | 5.37 | |
Segoe UI Semibold Italic | Seguisbi.ttf | 5.37 | |
Segoe UI Bold | Segoeuib.ttf | 5.37 | |
Segoe UI Bold Italic | Segoeuiz.ttf | 5.37 | |
Segoe UI Black | Seguibl.ttf | 2.00 | |
Segoe UI Black Italic | Seguibli.ttf | 2.00 | |
Segoe UI Emoji | Segoe UI Emoji | Seguiemj.ttf | 1.02 |
Segoe UI Symbol | Segoe UI Symbol | Seguisym.ttf | 6.09 |
Shonar Bangla | Shonar Bangla | Shonar.ttf | 6.81 |
Shonar Bangla Bold | Shonarb.ttf | 6.81 | |
Shruti | Shruti | Shruti.ttf | 6.00 |
Shruti Bold | Shrutib.ttf | 6.00 | |
SimHei | SimHei | Simhei.ttf | 5.03 |
Simplified Arabic | Simplified Arabic | Simpo.ttf | 6.00 |
Simplified Arabic Bold | Simpbdo.ttf | 6.00 | |
Simplified Arabic Fixed | Simpfxo.ttf | 5.92 | |
SimSun | SimSun | Simsun.ttc | 5.13 |
NSimSun | Simsun.ttc | 5.13 | |
SimSun-ExtB | Simsunb.ttf | 5.01 | |
Sitka | Sitka Small | Sitka.ttc | 1.10 |
Sitka Small Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Small Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Small Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Text | Sitka.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Text Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Text Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Text Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Subheading | Sitka.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Subheading Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Subheading Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Subheading Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Heading | Sitka.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Heading Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Heading Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Heading Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Display | Sitka.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Display Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Display Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Display Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Banner | Sitka.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Banner Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Banner Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sitka Banner Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.10 | |
Sylfaen | Sylfaen | Sylfaen.ttf | 5.04 |
Symbol | Symbol | Symbol.ttf | 5.00 |
Tahoma | Tahoma | Tahoma.ttf | 6.05 |
Tahoma Bold | Tahomabd.ttf | 6.05 | |
Times New Roman | Times New Roman | Times.ttf | 6.89 |
Times New Roman Italic | Timesi.ttf | 6.89 | |
Times New Roman Bold | Timesbd.ttf | 6.89 | |
Times New Roman Bold Italic | Timesbi.ttf | 6.89 | |
Traditional Arabic | Traditional Arabic | Trado.ttf | 6.00 |
Traditional Arabic Bold | Tradbdo.ttf | 6.00 | |
Trebuchet MS | Trebuchet MS | Trebuc.ttf | 5.12 |
Trebuchet MS Italic | Trebucit.ttf | 5.12 | |
Trebuchet MS Bold | Trebucbd.ttf | 5.12 | |
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic | Trebucbi.ttf | 5.12 | |
Tunga | Tunga | Tunga.ttf | 6.00 |
Tunga Bold | Tungab.ttf | 6.00 | |
Urdu Typesetting | Urdu Typesetting | UrdType.ttf | 6.00 |
Urdu Typesetting Bold | UrdTypeb.ttf | 6.00 | |
Utsaah | Utsaah | Utsaah.ttf | 6.00 |
Utsaah Italic | Utsaahi.ttf | 6.00 | |
Utsaah Bold | Utsaahb.ttf | 6.00 | |
Utsaah Bold Italic | Utsaahbi.ttf | 6.00 | |
Vani | Vani | Vani.ttf | 6.81 |
Vani Bold | Vanib.ttf | 6.81 | |
Verdana | Verdana | Verdana.ttf | 5.31 |
Verdana Italic | Verdanai.ttf | 5.30 | |
Verdana Bold | Verdanab.ttf | 5.30 | |
Verdana Bold Italic | Verdanaz.ttf | 5.30 | |
Vijaya | Vijaya | Vijaya.ttf | 6.81 |
Vijaya Bold | Vijayab.ttf | 6.81 | |
Vrinda | Vrinda | Vrinda.ttf | 6.81 |
Vrinda Bold | Vrindab.ttf | 6.81 | |
Webdings | Webdings | Webdings.ttf | 5.00 |
Wingdings | Wingdings | Wingding.ttf | 5.00 |
Yu Gothic | Yu Gothic Light | Yugothil.ttf | 1.60 |
Yu Gothic Regular | Yugothic.ttf | 1.60 | |
Yu Gothic Bold | Yugothib.ttf | 1.60 | |
Yu Mincho | Yu Mincho Light | Yuminl.ttf | 1.60 |
Yu Mincho Regular | Yumin.ttf | 1.60 | |
Yu Mincho Demibold | Yumindb.ttf | 1.60 |
Windows 8.1 font list
Windows 8 font list
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Aharoni Bold | Aharoni Bold | Ahronbd.ttf | 5.02 |
Aldhabi | Aldhabi * | Aldhabi.ttf | 1.00 |
Andalus | Andalus | Andlso.ttf | 5.99 |
Angsana New | Angsana New | Angsa.ttf | 5.00 |
Angsana New Italic | Angsai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Angsana New Bold | Angsab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Angsana New Bold Italic | Angsaz.ttf | 5.00 | |
AngsanaUPC | AngsanaUPC | Angsau.ttf | 5.00 |
AngsanaUPC Italic | Angsaui.ttf | 5.00 | |
AngsanaUPC Bold | Angsaub.ttf | 5.00 | |
AngsanaUPC Bold Italic | Angsauz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Aparajita | Aparajita | Aparaj.ttf | 5.92 |
Aparajita Italic | Aparaji.ttf | 5.92 | |
Aparajita Bold | Aparajb.ttf | 5.92 | |
Aparajita Bold Italic | Aparajbi.ttf | 5.92 | |
Arabic Typesetting | Arabic Typesetting | Arabtype.ttf | 5.92 |
Arial | Arial | Arial.ttf | 6.89 |
Arial Italic | Ariali.ttf | 6.89 | |
Arial Bold | Arialbd.ttf | 6.89 | |
Arial Bold Italic | Arialbi.ttf | 6.89 | |
Arial Black | Arial Black | Ariblk.ttf | 5.21 |
Batang | Batang | Batang.ttc | 5.00 |
BatangChe | Batang.ttc | 5.00 | |
Browallia New | Browallia New | Browa.ttf | 5.00 |
Browallia New Italic | Browai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Browallia New Bold | Browab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Browallia New Bold Italic | Browaz.ttf | 5.00 | |
BrowalliaUPC | BrowalliaUPC | Browau.ttf | 5.00 |
BrowalliaUPC Italic | Browaui.ttf | 5.00 | |
BrowalliaUPC Bold | Browaub.ttf | 5.00 | |
BrowalliaUPC Bold Italic | Browauz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Calibri | Calibri Light * | Calibril.ttf | 2.15 |
Calibri Light Italic * | Calibrili.ttf | 2.15 | |
Calibri | Calibri.ttf | 5.90 | |
Calibri Italic | Calibrii.ttf | 5.90 | |
Calibri Bold | Calibrib.ttf | 5.90 | |
Calibri Bold Italic | Calibriz.ttf | 5.90 | |
Cambria | Cambria | Cambria.ttc | 6.84 |
Cambria Italic | Cambriai.ttf | 6.84 | |
Cambria Bold | Cambriab.ttf | 6.84 | |
Cambria Bold Italic | Cambriaz.ttf | 6.84 | |
Cambria Math | Cambria Math | Cambria.ttc | 6.84 |
Candara | Candara | Candara.ttf | 5.61 |
Candara Italic | Candarai.ttf | 5.61 | |
Candara Bold | Candarab.ttf | 5.61 | |
Candara Bold Italic | Candaraz.ttf | 5.61 | |
Comic Sans MS | Comic Sans MS | Comic.ttf | 5.11 |
Comic Sans MS Italic * | Comici.ttf | 5.11 | |
Comic Sans MS Bold | Comicbd.ttf | 5.11 | |
Comic Sans MS Bold Italic * | Comicz.ttf | 5.11 | |
Consolas | Consolas | Consola.ttf | 5.36 |
Consolas Italic | Consolai.ttf | 5.36 | |
Consolas Bold | Consolab.ttf | 5.36 | |
Consolas Bold Italic | Consolaz.ttf | 5.36 | |
Constantia | Constantia | Constan.ttf | 5.90 |
Constantia Italic | Constani.ttf | 5.90 | |
Constantia Bold | Constanb.ttf | 5.90 | |
Constantia Bold Italic | Constanz.ttf | 5.90 | |
Corbel | Corbel | Corbel.ttf | 5.61 |
Corbel Italic | Corbeli.ttf | 5.61 | |
Corbel Bold | Corbelb.ttf | 5.61 | |
Corbel Bold Italic | Corbelz.ttf | 5.61 | |
Cordia New | Cordia New | Cordia.ttf | 5.00 |
Cordia New Italic | Cordiai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Cordia New Bold | Cordiab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Cordia New Bold Italic | Cordiaz.ttf | 5.00 | |
CordiaUPC | CordiaUPC | Cordiau.ttf | 5.00 |
CordiaUPC Italic | Cordiaui.ttf | 5.00 | |
CordiaUPC Bold | Cordiaub.ttf | 5.00 | |
CordiaUPC Bold Italic | Cordiauz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Courier New | Courier New | Cour.ttf | 6.87 |
Courier New Italic | Couri.ttf | 6.87 | |
Courier New Bold | Courbd.ttf | 6.87 | |
Courier New Bold Italic | Courbi.ttf | 6.87 | |
DaunPenh | DaunPenh | Daunpenh.ttf | 5.00 |
David | David | David.ttf | 5.02 |
David Bold | Davidbd.ttf | 5.02 | |
DFKai-SB | DFKai-SB | Kaiu.ttf | 5.00 |
DilleniaUPC | DilleniaUPC | Upcdl.ttf | 5.01 |
DilleniaUPC Italic | Upcdi.ttf | 5.01 | |
DilleniaUPC Bold | Upcdb.ttf | 5.01 | |
DilleniaUPC Bold Italic | Upcdbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
DokChampa | DokChampa | Dokchamp.ttf | 5.00 |
Dotum | Dotum | Gulim.ttc | 5.00 |
DotumChe | Gulim.ttc | 5.00 | |
Ebrima | Ebrima | Ebrima.ttf | 5.06 |
Ebrima Bold | Ebrimabd.ttf | 5.06 | |
Estrangelo Edessa | Estrangelo Edessa | Estre.ttf | 5.00 |
EucrosiaUPC | EucrosiaUPC | Upcel.ttf | 5.01 |
EucrosiaUPC Italic | Upcei.ttf | 5.01 | |
EucrosiaUPC Bold | Upceb.ttf | 5.01 | |
EucrosiaUPC Bold Italic | Upcebi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Euphemia | Euphemia | Euphemia.ttf | 5.05 |
FangSong | FangSong | Simfang.ttf | 5.01 |
Franklin Gothic Medium | Franklin Gothic Medium | Framd.ttf | 5.01 |
Franklin Gothic Medium Italic | Framdit.ttf | 5.00 | |
FrankRuehl | FrankRuehl | Frank.ttf | 5.02 |
FreesiaUPC | FreesiaUPC | Upcfl.ttf | 5.01 |
FreesiaUPC Italic | Upcfi.ttf | 5.01 | |
FreesiaUPC Bold | Upcfb.ttf | 5.01 | |
FreesiaUPC Bold Italic | Upcfbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Gabriola | Gabriola | Gabriola.ttf | 5.92 |
Gadugi | Gadugi * | Gadugi.ttf | 1.03 |
Gadugi Bold * | Gadugib.ttf | 1.03 | |
Gautami | Gautami | Gautami.ttf | 5.94 |
Gautami Bold | Gautamib.ttf | 5.94 | |
Georgia | Georgia | Georgia.ttf | 5.51 |
Georgia Italic | Georgiai.ttf | 5.51 | |
Georgia Bold | Georgiab.ttf | 5.51 | |
Georgia Bold Italic | Georgiaz.ttf | 5.51 | |
Gisha | Gisha | Gisha.ttf | 5.01 |
Gisha Bold | Gishabd.ttf | 5.01 | |
Gulim | Gulim | Gulim.ttc | 5.01 |
GulimChe | Gulim.ttc | 5.00 | |
Gungsuh | Gungsuh | Batang.ttc | 5.00 |
GungsuhChe | Batang.ttc | 5.00 | |
Impact | Impact | Impact.ttf | 5.10 |
IrisUPC | IrisUPC | Upcil.ttf | 5.01 |
IrisUPC Italic | Upcii.ttf | 5.01 | |
IrisUPC Bold | Upcib.ttf | 5.01 | |
IrisUPC Bold Italic | Upcibi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Iskoola Pota | Iskoola Pota | Iskpota.ttf | 5.94 |
Iskoola Pota Bold | Iskpotab.ttf | 5.94 | |
JasmineUPC | JasmineUPC | Upcjl.ttf | 5.01 |
JasmineUPC Italic | Upcji.ttf | 5.01 | |
JasmineUPC Bold | Upcjb.ttf | 5.01 | |
JasmineUPC Bold Italic | Upcjbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
KaiTi | KaiTi | Simkai.ttf | 5.01 |
Kalinga | Kalinga | Kalinga.ttf | 5.95 |
Kalinga Bold | Kalingab.ttf | 5.95 | |
Kartika | Kartika | Kartika.ttf | 5.95 |
Kartika Bold | Kartikab.ttf | 5.95 | |
Khmer UI | Khmer UI | KhmerUI.ttf | 5.02 |
Khmer UI Bold | KhmerUIB.ttf | 5.02 | |
KodchiangUPC | KodchiangUPC | Upckl.ttf | 5.01 |
KodchiangUPC Italic | Upcki.ttf | 5.01 | |
KodchiangUPC Bold | Upckb.ttf | 5.01 | |
KodchiangUPC Bold Italic | Upckbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Kokila | Kokila | Kokila.ttf | 5.92 |
Kokila Italic | Kokilai.ttf | 5.92 | |
Kokila Bold | Kokilab.ttf | 5.92 | |
Kokila Bold Italic | Kokilabi.ttf | 5.92 | |
Lao UI | Lao UI | Laoui.ttf | 5.01 |
Lao UI Bold | Laouib.ttf | 5.01 | |
Latha | Latha | Latha.ttf | 5.94 |
Latha Bold | Lathab.ttf | 5.94 | |
Leelawadee | Leelawadee | Leelawad.ttf | 5.05 |
Leelawadee Bold | Leelawdb.ttf | 5.05 | |
Levenim MT | Levenim MT | Lvnm.ttf | 5.03 |
Levenim MT Bold | Lvnmbd.ttf | 5.03 | |
LilyUPC | LilyUPC | Upcll.ttf | 5.01 |
LilyUPC Italic | Upcli.ttf | 5.01 | |
LilyUPC Bold | Upclb.ttf | 5.01 | |
LilyUPC Bold Italic | Upclbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Lucida Console | Lucida Console | Lucon.ttf | 5.00 |
Lucida Sans Unicode | Lucida Sans Unicode | L_10646.ttf | 5.00 |
Malgun Gothic | Malgun Gothic | Malgun.ttf | 6.22 |
Malgun Gothic Bold | Malgunbd.ttf | 6.22 | |
Mangal | Mangal | Mangal.ttf | 5.94 |
Mangal Bold | Mangalb.ttf | 5.94 | |
Marlett | Marlett | Marlett.ttf | 5.00 |
Meiryo | Meiryo | Meiryo.ttc | 6.30 |
Meiryo Italic | Meiryo.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo Bold | Meiryob.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo Bold Italic | Meiryob.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo UI | Meiryo UI | Meiryo.ttc | 6.30 |
Meiryo UI Italic | Meiryo.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo UI Bold | Meiryob.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo UI Bold Italic | Meiryob.ttc | 6.30 | |
Microsoft Himalaya | Microsoft Himalaya | Himalaya.ttf | 5.06 |
Microsoft JhengHei | Microsoft JhengHei Regular | MSJH.ttc | 6.10 |
Microsoft JhengHei Bold | MSJHBD.ttc | 6.10 | |
Microsoft JhengHei UI Regular | MSJH.ttc | 6.10 | |
Microsoft JhengHei UI Bold | MSJHBD.ttc | 6.10 | |
Microsoft New Tai Lue | Microsoft New Tai Lue | Ntailu.ttf | 5.96 |
Microsoft New Tai Lue Bold | Ntailub.ttf | 5.96 | |
Microsoft PhagsPa | Microsoft PhagsPa | PhagsPa.ttf | 5.96 |
Microsoft PhagsPa Bold | PhagsPaB.ttf | 5.96 | |
Microsoft Sans Serif | Microsoft Sans Serif | Micross.ttf | 6.04 |
Microsoft Tai Le | Microsoft Tai Le | Taile.ttf | 5.96 |
Microsoft Tai Le Bold | TaiLeb.ttf | 5.96 | |
Microsoft Uighur | Microsoft Uighur | Msuighur.ttf | 5.93 |
Microsoft Uighur Bold * | MSUighub.ttf | 5.93 | |
Microsoft Yi Baiti | Microsoft Yi Baiti | MSYI.ttf | 5.97 |
Microsoft YaHei | Microsoft YaHei | Msyh.ttf | 6.10 |
Microsoft YaHei Bold | Msyhbd.ttf | 6.11 | |
Microsoft YaHei UI | Msyh.ttf | 6.10 | |
Microsoft YaHei UI Bold | Msyhbd.ttf | 6.11 | |
MingLiU | MingLiU | Mingliu.ttc | 7.01 |
MingLiU-ExtB | Mingliub.ttc | 7.01 | |
PMingLiU | Mingliu.ttc | 7.01 | |
PMingLiU-ExtB | Mingliub.ttc | 7.01 | |
MingLiU_HKSCS | Mingliu.ttc | 7.01 | |
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB | Mingliub.ttc | 7.01 | |
Miriam | Miriam | Mriam.ttf | 5.02 |
Miriam Fixed | Mriamc.ttf | 5.02 | |
Mongolian Baiti | Mongolian Baiti | Monbaiti.ttf | 5.10 |
MoolBoran | MoolBoran | Moolbor.ttf | 5.00 |
MS Gothic | MS Gothic | Msgothic.ttc | 5.31 |
MS PGothic | Msgothic.ttc | 5.31 | |
MS UI Gothic | Msgothic.ttc | 5.31 | |
MS Mincho | MS Mincho | Msmincho.ttc | 5.30 |
MS PMincho | Msmincho.ttc | 5.30 | |
MV Boli | MV Boli | Mvboli.ttf | 5.01 |
Myanmar Text | Myanmar Text * | Mmrtext.ttf | 1.00 |
Narkisim | Narkisim | Nrkis.ttf | 5.02 |
Nirmala UI | Nirmala UI * | Nirmala.ttf | 1.10 |
Nirmala UI Bold * | Nirmalab.ttf | 1.10 | |
Nyala | Nyala | Nyala.ttf | 5.01 |
Palatino Linotype | Palatino Linotype | Pala.ttf | 5.01 |
Palatino Linotype Italic | Palai.ttf | 5.01 | |
Palatino Linotype Bold | Palab.ttf | 5.01 | |
Palatino Linotype Bold Italic | Palabi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Plantagenet Cherokee | Plantagenet Cherokee | Plantc.ttf | 5.07 |
Raavi | Raavi | Raavi.ttf | 5.94 |
Raavi Bold | Raavib.ttf | 5.94 | |
Rod | Rod | Rod.ttf | 5.02 |
Sakkal Majalla | Sakkal Majalla | Majalla.ttf | 6.80 |
Sakkal Majalla Bold | Majallab.ttf | 6.80 | |
Segoe Print | Segoe Print | Segoepr.ttf | 5.02 |
Segoe Print Bold | Segoeprb.ttf | 5.02 | |
Segoe Script | Segoe Script | Segoesc.ttf | 5.00 |
Segoe Script Bold | Segoescb.ttf | 5.00 | |
Segoe UI | Segoe UI Light | Segoeuil.ttf | 5.37 |
Segoe UI Light Italic * | Seguili.ttf | 5.37 | |
Segoe UI Semilight * | Segoeuisl.ttf | 5.37 | |
Segoe UI Semilight Italic * | Seguisli.ttf | 5.37 | |
Segoe UI | Segoeui.ttf | 5.37 | |
Segoe UI Italic | Segoeuii.ttf | 5.37 | |
Segoe UI Semibold | Seguisb.ttf | 5.37 | |
Segoe UI Semibold Italic * | Seguisbi.ttf | 5.37 | |
Segoe UI Bold | Segoeuib.ttf | 5.37 | |
Segoe UI Bold Italic | Segoeuiz.ttf | 5.37 | |
Segoe UI Symbol | Segoe UI Symbol | Seguisym.ttf | 5.90 |
Shonar Bangla | Shonar Bangla | Shonar.ttf | 6.80 |
Shonar Bangla Bold | Shonarb.ttf | 6.80 | |
Shruti | Shruti | Shruti.ttf | 5.94 |
Shruti Bold | Shrutib.ttf | 5.94 | |
SimHei | SimHei | Simhei.ttf | 5.03 |
Simplified Arabic | Simplified Arabic | Simpo.ttf | 5.98 |
Simplified Arabic Bold | Simpbdo.ttf | 5.98 | |
Simplified Arabic Fixed | Simpfxo.ttf | 5.92 | |
SimSun | SimSun | Simsun.ttc | 5.13 |
NSimSun | Simsun.ttc | 5.13 | |
SimSun-ExtB | Simsunb.ttf | 5.01 | |
Sylfaen | Sylfaen | Sylfaen.ttf | 5.04 |
Symbol | Symbol | Symbol.ttf | 5.00 |
Tahoma | Tahoma | Tahoma.ttf | 6.05 |
Tahoma Bold | Tahomabd.ttf | 6.05 | |
Times New Roman | Times New Roman | Times.ttf | 6.89 |
Times New Roman Italic | Timesi.ttf | 6.89 | |
Times New Roman Bold | Timesbd.ttf | 6.89 | |
Times New Roman Bold Italic | Timesbi.ttf | 6.89 | |
Traditional Arabic | Traditional Arabic | Trado.ttf | 5.98 |
Traditional Arabic Bold | Tradbdo.ttf | 5.98 | |
Trebuchet MS | Trebuchet MS | Trebuc.ttf | 5.10 |
Trebuchet MS Italic | Trebucit.ttf | 5.10 | |
Trebuchet MS Bold | Trebucbd.ttf | 5.10 | |
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic | Trebucbi.ttf | 5.10 | |
Tunga | Tunga | Tunga.ttf | 5.94 |
Tunga Bold | Tungab.ttf | 5.94 | |
Utsaah | Utsaah | Utsaah.ttf | 5.92 |
Utsaah Italic | Utsaahi.ttf | 5.92 | |
Utsaah Bold | Utsaahb.ttf | 5.92 | |
Utsaah Bold Italic | Utsaahbi.ttf | 5.92 | |
Urdu Typesetting | Urdu Typesetting * | UrdType.ttf | 5.93 |
Vani | Vani | Vani.ttf | 6.80 |
Vani Bold | Vanib.ttf | 6.80 | |
Verdana | Verdana | Verdana.ttf | 5.31 |
Verdana Italic | Verdanai.ttf | 5.30 | |
Verdana Bold | Verdanab.ttf | 5.30 | |
Verdana Bold Italic | Verdanaz.ttf | 5.30 | |
Vijaya | Vijaya | Vijaya.ttf | 6.80 |
Vijaya Bold | Vijayab.ttf | 6.80 | |
Vrinda | Vrinda | Vrinda.ttf | 6.80 |
Vrinda Bold | Vrindab.ttf | 6.80 | |
Webdings | Webdings | Webdings.ttf | 5.00 |
Wingdings | Wingdings | Wingding.ttf | 5.00 |
Windows 8 font list
Windows 7 font list
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Aharoni Bold | Aharoni Bold | Ahronbd.ttf | 5.02 |
Andalus | Andalus | Andlso.ttf | 5.92 |
Angsana New | Angsana New | Angsa.ttf | 5.00 |
Angsana New Italic | Angsai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Angsana New Bold | Angsab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Angsana New Bold Italic | Angsaz.ttf | 5.00 | |
AngsanaUPC | AngsanaUPC | Angsau.ttf | 5.00 |
AngsanaUPC Italic | Angsaui.ttf | 5.00 | |
AngsanaUPC Bold | Angsaub.ttf | 5.00 | |
AngsanaUPC Bold Italic | Angsauz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Aparajita | Aparajita | Aparaj.ttf | 5.91 |
Aparajita Italic | Aparaji.ttf | 5.91 | |
Aparajita Bold | Aparajb.ttf | 5.91 | |
Aparajita Bold Italic | Aparajbi.ttf | 5.91 | |
Arabic Typesetting | Arabic Typesetting | Arabtype.ttf | 5.91 |
Arial | Arial | Arial.ttf | 5.22 |
Arial Italic | Ariali.ttf | 5.22 | |
Arial Bold | Arialbd.ttf | 5.22 | |
Arial Bold Italic | Arialbi.ttf | 5.22 | |
Arial Black | Arial Black | Ariblk.ttf | 5.06 |
Batang | Batang | Batang.ttc | 5.00 |
BatangChe | Batang.ttc | 5.00 | |
Browallia New | Browallia New | Browa.ttf | 5.00 |
Browallia New Italic | Browai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Browallia New Bold | Browab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Browallia New Bold Italic | Browaz.ttf | 5.00 | |
BrowalliaUPC | BrowalliaUPC | Browau.ttf | 5.00 |
BrowalliaUPC Italic | Browaui.ttf | 5.00 | |
BrowalliaUPC Bold | Browaub.ttf | 5.00 | |
BrowalliaUPC Bold Italic | Browauz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Calibri | Calibri | Calibri.ttf | 5.75 |
Calibri Italic | Calibrii.ttf | 5.75 | |
Calibri Bold | Calibrib.ttf | 5.75 | |
Calibri Bold Italic | Calibriz.ttf | 5.75 | |
Calibri Light | Calibril.ttf | 2.10 | |
Calibri Light Italic | Calibrili.ttf | 2.10 | |
Cambria | Cambria | Cambria.ttc | 5.97 |
Cambria Italic | Cambriai.ttf | 5.97 | |
Cambria Bold | Cambriab.ttf | 5.97 | |
Cambria Bold Italic | Cambriaz.ttf | 5.97 | |
Cambria Math | Cambria Math | Cambria.ttc | 5.97 |
Candara | Candara | Candara.ttf | 5.61 |
Candara Italic | Candarai.ttf | 5.61 | |
Candara Bold | Candarab.ttf | 5.61 | |
Candara Bold Italic | Candaraz.ttf | 5.61 | |
Comic Sans MS | Comic Sans MS | Comic.ttf | 5.11 |
Comic Sans MS Bold | Comicbd.ttf | 5.11 | |
Comic Sans MS Italic | Comici.ttf | 5.11 | |
Comic Sans MS Bold Italic | Comicz.ttf | 5.11 | |
Consolas | Consolas | Consola.ttf | 5.24 |
Consolas Italic | Consolai.ttf | 5.24 | |
Consolas Bold | Consolab.ttf | 5.24 | |
Consolas Bold Italic | Consolaz.ttf | 5.24 | |
Constantia | Constantia | Constan.ttf | 5.90 |
Constantia Italic | Constani.ttf | 5.90 | |
Constantia Bold | Constanb.ttf | 5.90 | |
Constantia Bold Italic | Constanz.ttf | 5.90 | |
Corbel | Corbel | Corbel.ttf | 5.61 |
Corbel Italic | Corbeli.ttf | 5.61 | |
Corbel Bold | Corbelb.ttf | 5.61 | |
Corbel Bold Italic | Corbelz.ttf | 5.61 | |
Cordia New | Cordia New | Cordia.ttf | 5.00 |
Cordia New Italic | Cordiai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Cordia New Bold | Cordiab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Cordia New Bold Italic | Cordiaz.ttf | 5.00 | |
CordiaUPC | CordiaUPC | Cordiau.ttf | 5.00 |
CordiaUPC Italic | Cordiaui.ttf | 5.00 | |
CordiaUPC Bold | Cordiaub.ttf | 5.00 | |
CordiaUPC Bold Italic | Cordiauz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Courier New | Courier New | Cour.ttf | 5.13 |
Courier New Italic | Couri.ttf | 5.13 | |
Courier New Bold | Courbd.ttf | 5.13 | |
Courier New Bold Italic | Courbi.ttf | 5.13 | |
DaunPenh | DaunPenh | Daunpenh.ttf | 5.00 |
David | David | David.ttf | 5.02 |
David Bold | Davidbd.ttf | 5.02 | |
DFKai-SB | DFKai-SB | Kaiu.ttf | 5.00 |
DilleniaUPC | DilleniaUPC | Upcdl.ttf | 5.01 |
DilleniaUPC Italic | Upcdi.ttf | 5.01 | |
DilleniaUPC Bold | Upcdb.ttf | 5.01 | |
DilleniaUPC Bold Italic | Upcdbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
DokChampa | DokChampa | Dokchamp.ttf | 5.00 |
Dotum | Dotum | Gulim.ttc | 5.00 |
DotumChe | Gulim.ttc | 5.00 | |
Ebrima | Ebrima | Ebrima.ttf | 5.00 |
Ebrima Bold | Ebrimabd.ttf | 5.00 | |
Estrangelo Edessa | Estrangelo Edessa | Estre.ttf | 5.00 |
EucrosiaUPC | EucrosiaUPC | Upcel.ttf | 5.01 |
EucrosiaUPC Italic | Upcei.ttf | 5.01 | |
EucrosiaUPC Bold | Upceb.ttf | 5.01 | |
EucrosiaUPC Bold Italic | Upcebi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Euphemia | Euphemia | Euphemia.ttf | 5.00 |
FangSong | FangSong | Simfang.ttf | 5.01 |
Franklin Gothic Medium | Franklin Gothic Medium | Framd.ttf | 5.01 |
Franklin Gothic Medium Italic | Framdit.ttf | 5.00 | |
FrankRuehl | FrankRuehl | Frank.ttf | 5.02 |
FreesiaUPC | FreesiaUPC | Upcfl.ttf | 5.01 |
FreesiaUPC Italic | Upcfi.ttf | 5.01 | |
FreesiaUPC Bold | Upcfb.ttf | 5.01 | |
FreesiaUPC Bold Italic | Upcfbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Gabriola | Gabriola | Gabriola.ttf | 5.92 |
Gautami | Gautami | Gautami.ttf | 5.90 |
Gautami Bold | Gautamib.ttf | 5.90 | |
Georgia | Georgia | Georgia.ttf | 5.51 |
Georgia Italic | Georgiai.ttf | 5.51 | |
Georgia Bold | Georgiab.ttf | 5.51 | |
Georgia Bold Italic | Georgiaz.ttf | 5.51 | |
Gisha | Gisha | Gisha.ttf | 5.00 |
Gisha Bold | Gishabd.ttf | 5.00 | |
Gulim | Gulim | Gulim.ttc | 5.01 |
GulimChe | Gulim.ttc | 5.00 | |
Gungsuh | Gungsuh | Batang.ttc | 5.00 |
GungsuhChe | Batang.ttc | 5.00 | |
Impact | Impact | Impact.ttf | 5.00 |
IrisUPC | IrisUPC | Upcil.ttf | 5.01 |
IrisUPC Italic | Upcii.ttf | 5.01 | |
IrisUPC Bold | Upcib.ttf | 5.01 | |
IrisUPC Bold Italic | Upcibi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Iskoola Pota | Iskoola Pota | Iskpota.ttf | 5.90 |
Iskoola Pota Bold | Iskpotab.ttf | 5.90 | |
JasmineUPC | JasmineUPC | Upcjl.ttf | 5.01 |
JasmineUPC Italic | Upcji.ttf | 5.01 | |
JasmineUPC Bold | Upcjb.ttf | 5.01 | |
JasmineUPC Bold Italic | Upcjbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
KaiTi | KaiTi | Simkai.ttf | 5.01 |
Kalinga | Kalinga | Kalinga.ttf | 5.90 |
Kalinga Bold | Kalingab.ttf | 5.90 | |
Kartika | Kartika | Kartika.ttf | 5.90 |
Kartika Bold | Kartikab.ttf | 5.90 | |
Khmer UI | Khmer UI | KhmerUI.ttf | 5.00 |
Khmer UI Bold | KhmerUIB.ttf | 5.00 | |
KodchiangUPC | KodchiangUPC | Upckl.ttf | 5.01 |
KodchiangUPC Italic | Upcki.ttf | 5.01 | |
KodchiangUPC Bold | Upckb.ttf | 5.01 | |
KodchiangUPC Bold Italic | Upckbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Kokila | Kokila | Kokila.ttf | 5.91 |
Kokila Italic | Kokilai.ttf | 5.91 | |
Kokila Bold | Kokilab.ttf | 5.91 | |
Kokila Bold Italic | Kokilabi.ttf | 5.91 | |
Lao UI | Lao UI | Laoui.ttf | 5.00 |
Lao UI Bold | Laouib.ttf | 5.00 | |
Latha | Latha | Latha.ttf | 5.90 |
Latha Bold | Lathab.ttf | 5.90 | |
Leelawadee | Leelawadee | Leelawad.ttf | 5.00 |
Leelawadee Bold | Leelawdb.ttf | 5.00 | |
Levenim MT | Levenim MT | Lvnm.ttf | 5.02 |
Levenim MT Bold | Lvnmbd.ttf | 5.02 | |
LilyUPC | LilyUPC | Upcll.ttf | 5.01 |
LilyUPC Italic | Upcli.ttf | 5.01 | |
LilyUPC Bold | Upclb.ttf | 5.01 | |
LilyUPC Bold Italic | Upclbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Lucida Console | Lucida Console | Lucon.ttf | 5.00 |
Lucida Sans Unicode | Lucida Sans Unicode | L_10646.ttf | 5.00 |
Malgun Gothic | Malgun Gothic | Malgun.ttf | 6.11 |
Malgun Gothic Bold | Malgunbd.ttf | 6.00 | |
Mangal | Mangal | Mangal.ttf | 5.91 |
Mangal Bold | Mangalb.ttf | 5.91 | |
Marlett | Marlett | Marlett.ttf | 5.00 |
Meiryo | Meiryo | Meiryo.ttc | 6.05 |
Meiryo Italic | Meiryo.ttc | 6.05 | |
Meiryo Bold | Meiryob.ttc | 6.05 | |
Meiryo Bold Italic | Meiryob.ttc | 6.05 | |
Meiryo UI | Meiryo UI | Meiryo.ttc | 6.05 |
Meiryo UI Italic | Meiryo.ttc | 6.05 | |
Meiryo UI Bold | Meiryob.ttc | 6.05 | |
Meiryo UI Bold Italic | Meiryob.ttc | 6.05 | |
Microsoft Himalaya | Microsoft Himalaya | Himalaya.ttf | 5.00 |
Microsoft JhengHei | Microsoft JhengHei | MSJH.ttf | 6.02 |
Microsoft JhengHei Bold | MSJHBD.ttf | 6.00 | |
Microsoft New Tai Lue | Microsoft New Tai Lue | Ntailu.ttf | 5.90 |
Microsoft New Tai Lue Bold | Ntailub.ttf | 5.90 | |
Microsoft PhagsPa | Microsoft PhagsPa | PhagsPa.ttf | 5.90 |
Microsoft PhagsPa Bold | PhagsPaB.ttf | 5.90 | |
Microsoft Sans Serif | Microsoft Sans Serif | Micross.ttf | 5.22 |
Microsoft Tai Le | Microsoft Tai Le | Taile.ttf | 5.90 |
Microsoft Tai Le Bold | TaiLeb.ttf | 5.90 | |
Microsoft Uighur | Microsoft Uighur | Msuighur.ttf | 5.91 |
Microsoft YaHei | Microsoft YaHei | Msyh.ttf | 6.02 |
Microsoft YaHei Bold | Msyhbd.ttf | 6.02 | |
Microsoft Yi Baiti | Microsoft Yi Baiti | MSYI.ttf | 5.00 |
MingLiU | MingLiU | Mingliu.ttc | 7.00 |
MingLiU-ExtB | Mingliub.ttc | 7.00 | |
PMingLiU | Mingliu.ttc | 7.00 | |
PMingLiU-ExtB | Mingliub.ttc | 7.00 | |
MingLiU_HKSCS | Mingliu.ttc | 7.00 | |
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB | Mingliub.ttc | 7.00 | |
Miriam | Miriam | Mriam.ttf | 5.02 |
Miriam Fixed | Mriamc.ttf | 5.02 | |
Mongolian Baiti | Mongolian Baiti | Monbaiti.ttf | 5.01 |
MoolBoran | MoolBoran | Moolbor.ttf | 5.00 |
MS Gothic | MS Gothic | Msgothic.ttc | 5.05 |
MS PGothic | Msgothic.ttc | 5.05 | |
MS UI Gothic | Msgothic.ttc | 5.05 | |
MS Mincho | MS Mincho | Msmincho.ttc | 5.05 |
MS PMincho | Msmincho.ttc | 5.05 | |
MV Boli | MV Boli | Mvboli.ttf | 5.01 |
Narkisim | Narkisim | Nrkis.ttf | 5.02 |
Nyala | Nyala | Nyala.ttf | 5.00 |
Palatino Linotype | Palatino Linotype | Pala.ttf | 5.00 |
Palatino Linotype Italic | Palai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Palatino Linotype Bold | Palab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Palatino Linotype Bold Italic | Palabi.ttf | 5.00 | |
Plantagenet Cherokee | Plantagenet Cherokee | Plantc.ttf | 5.00 |
Raavi | Raavi | Raavi.ttf | 5.90 |
Raavi Bold | Raavib.ttf | 5.90 | |
Rod | Rod | Rod.ttf | 5.02 |
Sakkal Majalla | Sakkal Majalla | Majalla.ttf | 5.01 |
Sakkal Majalla Bold | Majallab.ttf | 5.01 | |
Segoe Print | Segoe Print | Segoepr.ttf | 5.02 |
Segoe Print Bold | Segoeprb.ttf | 5.02 | |
Segoe Script | Segoe Script | Segoesc.ttf | 5.00 |
Segoe Script Bold | Segoescb.ttf | 5.00 | |
Segoe UI | Segoe UI Light | Segoeuil.ttf | 5.00 |
Segoe UI | Segoeui.ttf | 5.13 | |
Segoe UI Italic | Segoeuii.ttf | 5.13 | |
Segoe UI Semibold | Seguisb.ttf | 5.00 | |
Segoe UI Bold | Segoeuib.ttf | 5.13 | |
Segoe UI Bold Italic | Segoeuiz.ttf | 5.13 | |
Segoe UI Symbol | Segoe UI Symbol | Seguisym.ttf | 5.01 |
Shonar Bangla | Shonar Bangla | Shonar.ttf | 5.91 |
Shonar Bangla Bold | Shonarb.ttf | 5.91 | |
Shruti | Shruti | Shruti.ttf | 5.90 |
Shruti Bold | Shrutib.ttf | 5.90 | |
SimHei | SimHei | Simhei.ttf | 5.01 |
Simplified Arabic | Simplified Arabic | Simpo.ttf | 5.92 |
Simplified Arabic Bold | Simpbdo.ttf | 5.92 | |
Simplified Arabic Fixed | Simpfxo.ttf | 5.92 | |
SimSun | SimSun | Simsun.ttc | 5.03 |
NSimSun | Simsun.ttc | 5.03 | |
SimSun-ExtB | Simsunb.ttf | 5.00 | |
Sylfaen | Sylfaen | Sylfaen.ttf | 5.02 |
Symbol | Symbol | Symbol.ttf | 5.00 |
Tahoma | Tahoma | Tahoma.ttf | 5.22 |
Tahoma Bold | Tahomabd.ttf | 5.22 | |
Times New Roman | Times New Roman | Times.ttf | 5.22 |
Times New Roman Italic | Timesi.ttf | 5.22 | |
Times New Roman Bold | Timesbd.ttf | 5.22 | |
Times New Roman Bold Italic | Timesbi.ttf | 5.22 | |
Traditional Arabic | Traditional Arabic | Trado.ttf | 5.92 |
Traditional Arabic Bold | Tradbdo.ttf | 5.92 | |
Trebuchet MS | Trebuchet MS | Trebuc.ttf | 5.11 |
Trebuchet MS Italic | Trebucit.ttf | 5.11 | |
Trebuchet MS Bold | Trebucbd.ttf | 5.11 | |
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic | Trebucbi.ttf | 5.11 | |
Tunga | Tunga | Tunga.ttf | 5.90 |
Tunga Bold | Tungab.ttf | 5.90 | |
Utsaah | Utsaah | Utsaah.ttf | 5.91 |
Utsaah Italic | Utsaahi.ttf | 5.91 | |
Utsaah Bold | Utsaahb.ttf | 5.91 | |
Utsaah Bold Italic | Utsaahbi.ttf | 5.91 | |
Vani | Vani | Vani.ttf | 5.91 |
Vani Bold | Vanib.ttf | 5.91 | |
Verdana | Verdana | Verdana.ttf | 5.31 |
Verdana Italic | Verdanai.ttf | 5.30 | |
Verdana Bold | Verdanab.ttf | 5.30 | |
Verdana Bold Italic | Verdanaz.ttf | 5.30 | |
Vijaya | Vijaya | Vijaya.ttf | 5.91 |
Vijaya Bold | Vijayab.ttf | 5.91 | |
Vrinda | Vrinda | Vrinda.ttf | 5.90 |
Vrinda Bold | Vrindab.ttf | 5.90 | |
Webdings | Webdings | Webdings.ttf | 5.00 |
Wingdings | Wingdings | Wingding.ttf | 5.00 |
Windows 7 font list
Windows vista B K font list

Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Aharoni Bold | Aharoni Bold | Ahronbd.ttf | 5.00 |
Andalus | Andalus | Andlso.ttf | 5.00 |
Angsana New | Angsana New | Angsa.ttf | 5.00 |
Angsana New Bold | Angsab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Angsana New Italic | Angsai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Angsana New Bold Italic | Angsaz.ttf | 5.00 | |
AngsanaUPC | AngsanaUPC | Angsau.ttf | 5.00 |
AngsanaUPC Bold | Angsaub.ttf | 5.00 | |
AngsanaUPC Italic | Angsaui.ttf | 5.00 | |
AngsanaUPC Bold Italic | Angsauz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Arabic Typesetting | Arabic Typesetting | Arabtype.ttf | 5.01 |
Arial | Arial | Arial.ttf | 5.01 |
Arial Italic | Ariali.ttf | 5.01 | |
Arial Bold | Arialbd.ttf | 5.01 | |
Arial Bold Italic | Arialbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Arial Black | Arial Black | Ariblk.ttf | 5.00 |
Batang,BatangChe Gungsuh,GungsuhChe |
Batang,BatangChe Gungsuh,GungsuhChe |
Batang.ttc | 5.00 |
Browallia New | Browallia New | Browa.ttf | 5.00 |
Browallia New Italic | Browai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Browallia New Bold | Browab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Browallia New Bold Italic | Browaz.ttf | 5.00 | |
BrowalliaUPC | BrowalliaUPC | Browau.ttf | 5.00 |
BrowalliaUPC Italic | Browaui.ttf | 5.00 | |
BrowalliaUPC Bold | Browaub.ttf | 5.00 | |
BrowalliaUPC Bold Italic | Browauz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Calibri | Calibri | Calibri.ttf | 5.00 |
Calibri Italic | Calibrii.ttf | 5.00 | |
Calibri Bold | Calibrib.ttf | 5.00 | |
Calibri Bold Italic | Calibriz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Cambria | Cambria | Cambria.ttc | 5.00 |
Cambria Italic | Cambriai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Cambria Bold | Cambriab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Cambria Bold Italic | Cambriaz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Candara | Candara | Candara.ttf | 5.00 |
Candara Italic | Candarai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Candara Bold | Candarab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Candara Bold Italic | Candaraz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Comic Sans MS | Comic Sans MS | Comic.ttf | 5.00 |
Comic Sans MS Bold | Comicbd.ttf | 5.00 | |
Consolas | Consolas | Consola.ttf | 5.00 |
Consolas Italic | Consolai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Consolas Bold | Consolab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Consolas Bold Italic | Consolaz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Constantia | Constantia | Constan.ttf | 5.00 |
Constantia Italic | Constani.ttf | 5.00 | |
Constantia Bold | Constanb.ttf | 5.00 | |
Constantia Bold Italic | Constanz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Corbel | Corbel | Corbel.ttf | 5.00 |
Corbel Italic | Corbeli.ttf | 5.00 | |
Corbel Bold | Corbelb.ttf | 5.00 | |
Corbel Bold Italic | Corbelz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Cordia New | Cordia New | Cordia.ttf | 5.00 |
Cordia New Italic | Cordiai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Cordia New Bold | Cordiab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Cordia New Bold Italic | Cordiaz.ttf | 5.00 | |
CordiaUPC | CordiaUPC | Cordiau.ttf | 5.00 |
CordiaUPC Italic | Cordiaui.ttf | 5.00 | |
CordiaUPC Bold | Cordiaub.ttf | 5.00 | |
CordiaUPC Bold Italic | Cordiauz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Courier New | Courie New | Cour.ttf | 5.00 |
Courier New Italic | Couri.ttf | 5.00 | |
Courier New Bold | Courbd.ttf | 5.00 | |
Courier New Bold Italic | Courbi.ttf | 5.00 | |
DaunPenh | DaunPenh | Daunpenh.ttf | 5.00 |
David | David | David.ttf | 5.00 |
David Bold | Davidbd.ttf | 5.00 | |
DokChampa | DokChampa | Dokchamp.ttf | 5.00 |
Estrangelo Edessa | Estrangelo Edessa | Estre.ttf | 5.00 |
Euphemia | Euphemia | Euphemia.ttf | 5.00 |
Franklin Gothic Medium | Franklin Gothic Medium | Framd.ttf | 5.01 |
Franklin Gothic Medium Italic | Framdit.ttf | 5.00 | |
FrankRuehl | FrankRuehl | Frank.ttf | 5.00 |
Gautami | Gautami | Gautami.ttf | 5.05 |
Georgia | Georgia | Georgia.ttf | 5.00 |
Georgia Bold Italic | Georgiaz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Georgia Bold | Georgiab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Georgia Italic | Georgiai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Gisha | Gisha | Gisha.ttf | 5.00 |
Gisha Bold | Gishabd.ttf | 5.00 | |
Gulim,GulimChe Dotum,DotumChe |
Gulim,GulimChe Dotum,DotumChe |
Gulim.ttc | 5.00 |
Microsoft Himalaya | Microsoft Himalaya | Himalaya.ttf | 5.00 |
Impact | Impact | Impact.ttf | 5.00 |
Iskoola Pota | Iskoola Pota | Iskpota.ttf | 5.00 |
DFKai-SB | DFKai-SB | Kaiu.ttf | 5.00 |
Kalinga | Kalinga | Kalinga.ttf | 5.01 |
Kartika | Kartika | Kartika.ttf | 5.04 |
Latha | Latha | Latha.ttf | 5.00 |
Leelawadee | Leelawadee | Leelawad.ttf | 5.00 |
Leelawadee Bold | Leelawdb.ttf | 5.00 | |
Lucida Console | Lucida Console | Lucon.ttf | 5.00 |
Levenim MT | Levenim MT | Lvnm.ttf | 5.00 |
Levenim MT Bold | Lvnmbd.ttf | 5.00 | |
Lucida Sans Unicode | Lucida Sans Unicode | L_10646.ttf | 5.00 |
Malgun Gothic | Malgun Gothic | Malgun.ttf | 5.00 |
Malgun Gothic Bold | Malgunbd.ttf | 5.00 | |
Mangal | Mangal | Mangal.ttf | 5.00 |
Mangal Bold | Marlett.ttf | 5.00 | |
Meiryo | Meiryo | Meiryo.ttc | 5.00 |
Meiryo Bold | Meiryob.ttc | 5.00 | |
Microsoft Sans Serif | Microsoft Sans Serif | Micross.ttf | 5.00 |
MingLiU | MingLiU | Mingliu.ttc | 6.02 |
MingLiU-ExtB | Mingliub.ttc | 5.00 | |
Mongolian Baiti | Mongolian Baiti | Monbaiti.ttf | 5.01 |
MoolBoran | MoolBoran | Moolbor.ttf | 5.00 |
Miriam | Miriam | Mriam.ttf | 5.00 |
Miriam Fixed | Mriamc.ttf | 5.00 | |
MS Gothic | Msgothic.ttc | 5.00 | |
Microsoft JhengHei | Microsoft JhengHei | Msjh.ttf | 5.00 |
Microsoft JhengHei Bold | Msjhbd.ttf | 5.00 | |
MS Mincho | MS Mincho | Msmincho.ttc | 5.00 |
Microsoft Uighur | Microsoft Uighur | Msuighur.ttf | 5.00 |
Microsoft YaHei | Microsoft YaHei | Msyh.ttf | 5.00 |
Microsoft YaHei Bold | Msyhbd.ttf | 6.01 | |
Microsoft Yi Baiti | Microsoft Yi Baiti | Msyi.ttf | 5.00 |
MV Boli | MV Boli | Mvboli.ttf | 6.84 |
Narkisim | Narkisim | Nrkis.ttf | 5.00 |
Nyala | Nyala | Nyala.ttf | 5.00 |
Palatino Linotype | Palatino Linotype | Pala.ttf | 5.00 |
Palatino Linotype Italic | Palai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Palatino Linotype Bold | Palab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Palatino Linotype Bold Italic | Palabi.ttf | 5.00 | |
Plantagenet Cherokee | Plantagenet Cherokee | Plantc.ttf | 5.00 |
Raavi | Raavi | Raavi.ttf | 5.02 |
Rod | Rod | Rod.ttf | 5.00 |
Segoe Print | Segoe Print | Segoepr.ttf | 5.00 |
Segoe Print Bold | Segoeprb.ttf | 5.00 | |
Segoe Script | Segoe Script | Segoesc.ttf | 5.00 |
Segoe Script Bold | Segoescb.ttf | 5.00 | |
Segoe UI | Segoe UI | Segoeui.ttf | 5.00 |
Segoe UI Italic | Segoeuii.ttf | 5.00 | |
Segoe UI Bold | Segoeuib.ttf | 5.00 | |
Segoe UI Bold Italic | Segoeuiz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Shruti | Shruti | Shruti.ttf | 5.00 |
FangSong | FangSong | Simfang.ttf | 5.01 |
SimHei | SimHei | Simhei.ttf | 5.01 |
KaiTi | KaiTi | Simkai.ttf | 5.01 |
Simplified Arabic | Simplified Arabic | Simpo.ttf | 5.00 |
Simplified Arabic Bold | Simpbdo.ttf | 5.00 | |
Simplified Arabic Fixed | Simpfxo.ttf | 5.00 | |
SimSun | SimSun | Simsun.ttc | 5.00 |
SimSun-ExtB | Simsunb.ttf | 5.00 | |
Sylfaen | Sylfaen | Sylfaen.ttf | 5.01 |
Symbol | Symbol | Symbol.ttf | 5.00 |
Tahoma | Tahoma | Tahoma.ttf | 5.01 |
Tahoma Bold | Tahomabd.ttf | 5.01 | |
Times New Roman | Times New Roman | Times.ttf | 5.01 |
Times New Roman Italic | Timesi.ttf | 5.00 | |
Times New Roman Bold | Timesbd.ttf | 5.01 | |
Times New Roman Bold Italic | Timesbi.ttf | 5.00 | |
Traditional Arabic | Traditional Arabic | Trado.ttf | 5.00 |
Traditional Arabic Bold | Tradbdo.ttf | 5.00 | |
Trebuchet MS | Trebuchet MS | Trebuc.ttf | 5.00 |
Trebuchet MS Italic | Trebucit.ttf | 5.00 | |
Trebuchet MS Bold | Trebucbd.ttf | 5.00 | |
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic | Trebucbi.ttf | 5.00 | |
Tunga | Tunga | Tunga.ttf | 5.02 |
DilleniaUPC | DilleniaUPC | Upcdl.ttf | 5.00 |
DilleniaUPC Italic | Upcdi.ttf | 5.00 | |
DilleniaUPC Bold | Upcdb.ttf | 5.00 | |
DilleniaUPC Bold Italic | Upcdbi.ttf | 5.00 | |
EucrosiaUPC | EucrosiaUPC | Upcel.ttf | 5.00 |
EucrosiaUPC Italic | Upcei.ttf | 5.00 | |
EucrosiaUPC Bold | Upceb.ttf | 5.00 | |
EucrosiaUPC Bold Italic | Upcebi.ttf | 5.00 | |
FreesiaUPC | FreesiaUPC | Upcfl.ttf | 5.01 |
FreesiaUPC Italic | Upcfi.ttf | 5.01 | |
FreesiaUPC Bold | Upcfb.ttf | 5.01 | |
FreesiaUPC Bold Italic | Upcfbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
IrisUPC | IrisUPC | Upcil.ttf | 5.01 |
IrisUPC Italic | Upcii.ttf | 5.01 | |
IrisUPC Bold | Upcib.ttf | 5.01 | |
IrisUPC Bold Italic | Upcibi.ttf | 5.01 | |
JasmineUPC | JasmineUPC | Upcjl.ttf | 5.01 |
JasmineUPC Italic | Upcji.ttf | 5.01 | |
JasmineUPC Bold | Upcjb.ttf | 5.01 | |
JasmineUPC Bold Italic | Upcjbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
KodchiangUPC | KodchiangUPC | Upckl.ttf | 5.01 |
KodchiangUPC Italic | upcki.ttf | 5.01 | |
KodchiangUPC Bold | Upckb.ttf | 5.01 | |
KodchiangUPC Bold Italic | Upckbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
LilyUPC | LilyUPC | Upcll.ttf | 5.01 |
LilyUPC Italic | Upcli.ttf | 5.01 | |
LilyUPC Bold | Upclb.ttf | 5.01 | |
LilyUPC Bold Italic | Upclbi.ttf | 5.01 | |
Verdana | Verdana | Verdana.ttf | 5.00 |
Verdana Italic | Verdanai.ttf | 5.00 | |
Verdana Bold | Verdanab.ttf | 5.00 | |
Verdana Bold Italic | Verdanaz.ttf | 5.00 | |
Vrinda | Vrinda | Vrinda.ttf | 5.90 |
Webdings | Webdings | Webdings.ttf | 5.00 |
Wingdings | Wingdings | Wingding.ttf | 5.00 |
Modern | modern.fon | ||
Roman | roman.fon | ||
Script | script.fon | ||
MS Serif | serife.fon |
출처 : AneOK(본인) Windows visat Business K font list
Windows XP sp3 K font list

Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Batang | Batang | batang.ttc | 2.21 |
BatangChe | batang.ttc | 2.21 | |
Dotum | Dotum | gulim.ttc | 2.21 |
DotumChe | gulim.ttc | 2.21 | |
Gulim | Gulim | gulim.ttc | 2.21 |
Gulim | gulim.ttc | 2.21 | |
Gungsuh | Gungsuh | batang.ttc | 2.21 |
GungsuhChe | batang.ttc | 2.21 | |
Arial | Arial | arial.ttf | 2.95 |
Arial Bold | arialbd.ttf | 2.95 | |
Arial Bold Italic | arialbi.ttf | 2.95 | |
Arial Italic | ariali.ttf | 2.95 | |
Arial Black | Arial Black | ariblk.ttf | 2.35 |
Comic Sans MS | Comic Sans MS | comic.ttf | 2.10 |
Comic Sans MS Bold | comicbd.ttf | 2.10 | |
Courier New | Courier New | cour.ttf | 2.90 |
Courier New Bold | courbd.ttf | 2.90 | |
Courier New Bold Italic | courbi.ttf | 2.90 | |
Courier New Italic | couri.ttf | 2.90 | |
Estrangelo Edessa | Estrangelo Edessa | estre.ttf | 1.00 |
Franklin Gothic Medium | Franklin Gothic Medium | framd.ttf | 2.20 |
Franklin Gothic Medium Italic | framdit.ttf | 2.20 | |
Gautami | Gautami | gautami.ttf | 1.21 |
Georgia | Georgia | georgia.ttf | 2.12 |
Georgia Bold | georgiab.ttf | 2.12 | |
Georgia Italic | georgiai.ttf | 2.12 | |
Georgia Bold Italic | georgiaz.ttf | 2.12 | |
Impact | Impact | impact.ttf | 2.35 |
Kartika | Kartika | kartika.ttf | 1.06 |
Latha | Latha | latha.ttf | 1.21 |
Lucida Sans | Lucida Sans Regular | lsans.ttf | 1.01 |
Lucida Sans Demibold Roman | lsansd.ttf | 1.01 | |
Lucida Sans Demibold Italic | lsansdi.ttf | 1.01 | |
Lucida Sans Italic | lsansi.ttf | 1.01 | |
Lucida Console | Lucida Console | lucon.ttf | 1.60 |
Lucida Sans Unicode | Lucida Sans Unicode | l_10646.ttf | 2.00 |
Mangal | Mangal | mangal.ttf | 1.20 |
Microsoft Sans Serif | Microsoft Sans Serif | micross.ttf | 1.42 |
MingLiU | MingLiU | mingliu.ttc | 3.21 |
MS Gothic | MS Gothic | msgothic.ttc | 2.30 |
MS Mincho | MS Mincho | msmincho.ttc | 2.31 |
MV Boli | MV Boli | mvboli.ttf | 1.00 |
Palatino Linotype | Palatino Linotype | pala.ttf | 1.40 |
Palatino Linotype Bold | palab.ttf | 1.40 | |
Palatino Linotype Bold Italic | palabi.ttf | 1.40 | |
Palatino Linotype Italic | palai.ttf | 1.40 | |
Raavi | Raavi | raavi.ttf | 1.06 |
Segoe UI | Segoe UI | segoeui.ttf | 5.28 |
Shruti | Shruti | shruti.ttf | 1.22 |
SimHei | SimHei | simhei.ttf | 3.02 |
SimSun | SimSun | simsun.ttc | 3.12 |
Sylfaen | Sylfaen | sylfaen.ttf | 1.00 |
Symbol | Symbol | symbol.ttf | 1.60 |
Tahoma | Tahoma | tahoma.ttf | 3.15 |
Tahoma Bold | tahomabd.ttf | 3.15 | |
Times New Roman | Times New Roman | times.ttf | 3.00 |
Times New Roman Bold | timesbd.ttf | 3.00 | |
Times New Roman Bold Italic | timesbi.ttf | 3.00 | |
Times New Roman Italic | timesi.ttf | 3.00 | |
Trebuchet MS | Trebuchet MS | trebuc.ttf | 1.23 |
Trebuchet MS Bold | trebucbd.ttf | 1.23 | |
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic | trebucbi.ttf | 1.23 | |
Trebuchet MS Italic | trebucit.ttf | 1.23 | |
Tunga | Tunga | tunga.ttf | 1.07 |
Verdana | Verdana | verdana.ttf | 2.43 |
Verdana Bold | verdanab.ttf | 2.43 | |
Verdana Italic | verdanai.ttf | 2.43 | |
Verdana Bold Italic | verdanaz.ttf | 2.43 | |
Virnda | Virnda | vrinda.ttf | 1.03 |
Webdings | Webdings | webdings.ttf | 1.03 |
WingDings | WingDings | wingding.ttf | 2.55 |
Courier 10,12,15 | coure.fon | 3.10 | |
Roman | Roman.fon | 3.10 | |
Script | Script.fon | 3.10 | |
Modern | modern.fon | 3.10 | |
MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 | Sserife.fon | 4.10 | |
MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 | Serife.fon | 3.10 | |
MS-DOS CP 437 | app932.fon | 3.10 | |
app936.fon | 3.10 | ||
MS-DOS CP 949 | app949.fon | 3.10 | |
app950.fon | 3.10 | ||
Small Fonts | Smalle.fon | 3.10 | |
Symbol 8,10,12,14,18,24 | Symbole.fon | 3.10 | |
WST_Czech | wst_czec.fon | ||
WST_Engl | wst_engl.fon | ||
WST_Fren | wst_fren.fon | ||
WST_Germ | wst_germ.fon | ||
WST_Ital | wst_ital.fon | ||
WST_Span | wst_span.fon | ||
WST_Swed | wst_swed.fon |
출처 : AneOK(본인) Window XP font list
Windows 98 and 98se font list


Family | Font Name | File Name | 98se | 98 |
Arial | Arial | arial.ttf | 2.76 | 2.45 |
Arial Blold | arialbd.ttf | 2.76 | 2.45 | |
Arial Blold Italic | arialbi.ttf | 2.76 | 2.45 | |
Arial ltalic | ariali.ttf | 2.76 | 2.45 | |
Arial Black | Arial Black | ariblk.ttf | 2.35 | 2.20 |
Batang,BatangChe Gungsuh,GungsuhChe |
Batang,BatangChe Gungsuh,GungsuhChe |
batang.ttc | 2.00 | 1.00 |
Comic Sans MS | Comic Sans MS | comic.ttf | 2.00 | 1.20 |
Comic Sans MS Blold | comicbd.ttf | 2.00 | 1.20 | |
Courier New | Courier New | cour.ttf | 2.76 | 2.45 |
Courier New Blold | courbd.ttf | 2.76 | 2.45 | |
Courier New Blold Italic | courbi.ttf | 2.76 | 2.45 | |
Courier New ltalic | couri.ttf | 2.76 | 2.45 | |
Gulim,GulimChe Dotum,DotumChe |
Gulim,GulimChe Dotum,DotumChe |
gulim.ttc | 2.00 | 1.00 |
Impact | Impact | impact.ttf | 2.30 | 2.20 |
Lucida Consols | Lucida Consols | lucon.ttf | 1.60 | 0.91 |
Marlett | Marlett | marlett.ttf | 1.00 | 1.00 |
Symbol | Symbol | symbol.ttf | 1.60 | 1.50 |
Tahoma | Tahoma | tahoma.ttf | 2.30 | 2.25 |
Tahoma Bold | tahomabd.ttf | 2.30 | 2.25 | |
Times New Roman | Times New Roman | times.ttf | 2.76 | 2.45 |
Times New Roman Blold | timesbd.ttf | 2.76 | 2.45 | |
Times New Roman Blold Italic | timesbi.ttf | 2.76 | 2.45 | |
Times New Roman ltalic | timesi.ttf | 2.76 | 2.45 | |
Verdana | Verdana | verdana.ttf | 2.35 | 2.10 |
Verdana New Blold | verdanab.ttf | 2.35 | 2.10 | |
Verdana New Blold Italic | verdanai.ttf | 2.35 | 2.10 | |
Verdana New ltalic | verdanaz.ttf | 2.35 | 2.10 | |
Webdings | Webdings | webdings.ttf | 1.03 | 1.01 |
Wingdings | Wingdings | wingding.ttf | 2.55 | 2.50 |
Roman | Roman.fon | |||
Script | Script.fon | |||
Courier 10,12,15 | coure.fon | 4.10 | 4.10 | |
Modern | modern.fon | 4.10 | 4.10 | |
MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 | sserife.fon | 4.10 | 4.10 | |
MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 | serife.fon | 4.10 | 4.10 | |
Small Fonts | smalle.fon | 4.10 | 4.10 | |
Symbol 8,10,12,14,18,24 | symbole.fon | 4.10 | 4.10 |
출처 : AneOK(본인) Windows 98 & 98 Second Edition font list
Windows 95 K font list

Family | Font Name | File Name | version |
Arial | Arial | Arial.ttf | 2.00 |
Arial Bold | Arialbd.ttf | 2.00 | |
Arial Bold Italic | Arialbi.ttf | 2.00 | |
Arial Italic | Ariali.ttf | 2.00 | |
Arial Black | Arial Black | Ariblk.ttf | 2.20 |
Batang,BatangChe Gungsuh,GungsuhChe |
Batang,BatangChe Gungsuh,GungsuhChe |
batang.ttc | 1.00 |
Comic Sans MS | Comic Sans MS | Comic.ttf | 1.20 |
Comic Sans MS Blold | Comicbd.ttf | 1.20 | |
Courier New | Courier New | Cour.ttf | 2.00 |
Courier New Blold | Courbd.ttf | 2.00 | |
Courier New Blold Italic | Courbi.ttf | 2.00 | |
Courier New ltalic | Couri.ttf | 2.00 | |
Gulim,GulimChe Dotum,DotumChe |
Gulim,GulimChe Dotum,DotumChe |
gulim.ttc | 1.00 |
Impact | Impact | Impact.ttf | 2.20 |
Symbol | Symbol | Symbol.ttf | 1.00 |
Times New Roman | Times New Roman | Times.ttf | 2.00 |
Times New Roman Blold | Timesbd.ttf | 2.00 | |
Times New Roman Blold Italic | Timesbi.ttf | 2.00 | |
Times New Roman ltalic | Timesi.ttf | 2.00 | |
Verdana | Verdana | Verdana.ttf | 1.01 |
Verdana New Blold | Verdanab.ttf | 1.01 | |
Verdana New Blold Italic | Verdanai.ttf | 1.01 | |
Verdana New ltalic | Verdanaz.ttf | 1.01 | |
Wingdings | Wingdings | Wingding.ttf | 2.00 |
Courier 10,12,15 | Coure.fon | 4.00 | |
Modern | Modern.fon | 4.00 | |
MS Sans Setif 8,10,12,14,18,24 | Sserife.fon | 4.00 | |
MS Setif 8,10,12,14,18,24 | Serife.fon | 4.00 | |
Small Fonts | Smalle.fon | 4.00 | |
Symbol 8,10,12,14,18,24 | Symbole.fon | 4.00 |
출처 : AneOK(본인) Windows 95 font list
Windows 3.1 K font list
3.1버전은 등록 정보에 버전을 볼수 없음.


Family | Font Name | File Name | version |
Arial | Arial | Arial.ttf | |
Arial Bold | Arialbd.ttf | ||
Arial Bold Italic | Arialbi.ttf | ||
Arial Italic | Ariali.ttf | ||
BatangChe | BatangChe | Batang.ttf | |
Courier New | Courier New | Cour.ttf | |
Courier New Blold | Courbd.ttf | ||
Courier New Blold Italic | Courbi.ttf | ||
Courier New ltalic | Couri.ttf | ||
DotumChe | DotumChe | Datum.ttf | |
Gt.ttf | |||
GulimChe | GulimChe | Gulim.ttf | |
GungsuhChe | GungsuhChe | Gungsuh.ttf | |
Times New Roman | Times New Roman | Times.ttf | |
Times New Roman Blold | Timesbd.ttf | ||
Times New Roman Blold Italic | Timesbi.ttf | ||
Times New Roman ltalic | Timesi.ttf | ||
Wingdings | Wingdings | Wingding.ttf | |
Courier | Coure.fon | ||
Dosapp.fon | |||
Modern | Modern.fon | ||
Roman | Roman.fon | ||
Script | Script.fon | ||
MS Sans Setif | Sserife.fon | ||
MS Setif | Serife.fon | ||
Small Fonts | Smalle.fon | ||
Symbol | Symbole.fon |
출처 : AneOK(본인) Windows 3.1 K font list
출처 및 참고 사이트
- 출처 :
- Microsoft Windows XP & fonts
- Fonts included with each version of Windows